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Theoretical Knowledge of the Field

Theory Analysis

Description: This paper is a critique of a training course written from the perspective of Jerome Bruner. 


Rationale: This theory analysis artifact shows my theoretical understanding of learning theory and how to reflect on a specific learning environment through its application. To accomplish this task, I critiqued the different components on the learning design and made recommendations based on the view of a cognitive constructivist. 


AECT Standards:

  • Standard 2- Content Pedagogy

  • Standard 4- Professional Knowledge and Skills

Online Course Critique

Description: This paper showcases an example of a critique of a Lynda training course about how to use SPSS software.


Rationale: This artifact shows I am competent in theoretical knowledge of the field because I applied my understanding of design theory to critique an asynchronous course. To complete this task, I expanded on the experience as a participant, compare the course to best practices by highlighting both positive and negative components of the course, and offer recommendations for improvement.


AECT Standards:

  • Standard 2- Content Pedagogy

  • Standard 3- Learning Environments


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